MCV Announces waterworks for 120 MDP
* Water resources is a priority for community development, said the state ruler
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Paz BCS-After stating that there is no life without water and community development, the Governor of the State Marcos Covarrubias Villaseñor announced works in the order of 120 million pesos this year for the entity, after the meeting held in accordance with the General Director of the State Water Commission Manuel Ángel Calderón Bernal.
The state executive said that one of the main demands of the rural communities of the 5 municipalities is the provision of vital fluid, so the state government will resume a plan to bring the water appeal more remote communities.
"In these works are proposing to consider the third part of the North Pacific aqueduct, aqueduct San Bruno to Santa Rosalia and projects recharge of the municipalities of Comondu and Los Cabos, which are stale aspirations of the inhabitants of these communities, "he added. Covarrubias
Villaseñor said that these works will apply blended federal and state resources, which will certainly contribute to the development of the populations of the entity.
Manuel Ángel Calderón Bernal also director general of the State Water Commission, said that this April will start these new projects comprising mainly rural areas and represent a major investment and social benefit.
Bernal Calderon, said that the five municipalities will benefit in this area, as instructed by the state governor is seeking to increase the efficiency of water utilities and the benefit of the population.
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