Policy Red
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doubt that the Achilles heel of any government is public safety, followed by public services and water, and they are for the sole reason that the three are a real deal for those on the front, therefore, that government is the party that he "will be" difficult to say no end to this problem, but to solve, and the reason is very simple, if they will resolve the most sensitive political because it would not have to offer in the field, because we must not forget that all offer overcoming the lack of water, garbage and all the uncertainty.
This situation does not know if it's for lack of information or ignorance of those in the field say they have the magic wand to solve these problems, however, promises all the time they reach the position they are looking for magic as well as they forget or do as a virgin speaker.
However, this whole problem is the fault of those who occupy the posts on the entire enforcement and justice administration, and who see only their personal interests, and do not look after the interest of the citizens as they say it to pay protest as officials, until the security is applied at the whim of whoever is in front of either the Superior Court of Justice, ruling or simply turn itself and sample attorney's disastrous administration that has just ended and was headed by man paper, Narciso Agundez Montano.
But the problem is not who is in front, but the problem is that those wounds are still the same policy of the ostrich, because they prefer to bury our heads and pretend nothing happened, and both they shouted against corruption in governments PRD, and to sample the attitude of the responsible office of Attorney General of the State, Gamil Arreola, who taught intolerance, if that makes being in charge, I do not want imagine what you can do when it is ratified in the state congress, because it goes into the triad wrath.
Such investment was made during the administration of the paper man, in his much-vaunted state shield, which since the early minutes of its opening to date nothing has served to reassure society, good, for which former Secretary of Public Security, Geovanni Rodriguez Aguilar Lenin was a windfall, because through the little camera phone had controlled the drug smuggling, in addition to using the entire structure to carry out kidnappings, extortion, drug trafficking and executions.
The impunity that reigns not only in the state, but across the country, has caused this breakdown we are seeing, because we note with sadness that are elements of the police forces are the leading major organized crime gangs, and we will not go very far, here in the state, although it is known who are mixed up in drug protection in abuse of authority, the authorities do nothing about it, contrary are covered with the same mantle of impunity.
As is the case of Commander of the State Ministerial Police, Sergio Jesus Castro Dominguez, who was wanted by the Mexican Army in Black Warrior for alleged links to organized crime (protecting drug traffickers in the area), but was warned by his former boss, Rafael Arvizu Homero Alvarado, who gave the whistle of the military operation, so that together are Castro Dominguez fled from Mulege to La Paz, his teammate Alan García Domínguez, a certain Jaime and Moses as well as Eliseo Soria Maciel, element Federal Agency of Investigation, all members of the Mixed Unit of Attention to Drug Trafficking (UMAN), all located in La Paz without being disturbed.
This is just the tip of the iceberg of corruption that occurs in the police forces, and the new authorities will do nothing because it is better business to protect the criminals who fight against them, because it is not the same receiving Lead wool is For this reason, the authorities prefer to look the other way and let everything happen in the state.
Anyway, it is time to correct the course, is only a matter of the new authorities are applied and implemented well, because otherwise we risk falling into a defenseless against organized crime and the simple reason is that corrupt officials will corrupt tentacles moving in sensitive areas of government which begins today.
What is real is that security was in the hands of the authorities, and all for greed and avarice of those who hold public office, preferring to fill their pocket money no matter who hurt, so prompt punishment to former officials no ill will by the new administration, which is why we must not forget what would the old, not so blind as he who does not want see ....
From Monday started the swearing of elected presidents, the first will be in Loreto with the swearing in of Jorge Avilés Pérez, on Tuesday will be in Comondu, with Venustiano (a ) "El Tano" Perez, on Wednesday in La Paz, it is up to Estela Ponce Beltrán, on Thursday in Los Cabos Agúndez Antonio Montaño and Friday in Mulege Guillermo Meza Santilla ... While the three government officials agree in the fight against drug trafficking, Francisco Vega (a) "The Gorilla" and held out his bridges with those who claim to be appointed to the address and subaddress Mulege public safety in the next administration to head Guillermo Meza Santillan, every time I take control of the square in this town .... In this sense, point to Jaime Garcia (a) "Chocolate" as a possible transit director Mulege, who besides having been disqualified for ten years, has very poor record on drug trafficking ....
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